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The Honorary Guardians Advisory Committee allows youth, elders, and knowledge holders to provide feedback and knowledge to the Territorial Stewardship Department. This committee allows our staff to build protocols and grassroots solutions that are reflective of our youth, elder, and knowledge-holder perspectives. The transfer of this knowledge is important in implementing core program values in all communities.
Your involvement provides you with the opportunity to reconnect to the land and allows your input in the development of our Nlaka'pamux Stewardship Protocols.
Please note that this is a one-year commitment, with the option to stay on the committee at the end of the term. This is an honorarium paid advisory committee, at $50 per hour.
The HGAC will be on the road within these meetings, alternating between communities with an online option.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Rachel Riley at rriley@cna-trust.ca or Ariel Voght at avoght@cna-trust.ca
Teck Highland Valley Copper (HVC) is currently permitted to operate until the year 2028; however, they are proposing to extend their mine life to 2040 by mining additional ore identified within the mine site and expanding existing site infrastructure. This is now referred to as the 'HVC MLE'
The Citxw Nlaka'pamux Assembly (CNA) is responsible for supporting the eight Participating Bands in review of the proposed Project and has established an HVC MLE Community Working Group to:
and available for,
For some more insight on the HVC MLE Technical Working Group read our blog post about it!
HVC MLE Technical Working Group Blog post
Your participation is crucial to ensure that review of the Project captures community needs, concerns, and priorities.
If you would like to join the HVC MLE Technical Working Group or have questions please contact: Natalie Ross, Sr. Technical Coordinator - HVC MLE Lead nross@cna-trust.ca or call 250-378-1864